Preliminary Insights: Labour Market Challenges in Canada’s Automotive Manufacturing Sector

This report summarizing our preliminary insights into labour market challenges faced by employers in Canada’s automotive sector is part of the Auto Labour Market Information (LMI) Project, which is a collaborative effort of the Canadian Skills Training and Employment Coalition (CSTEC), Prism Economics (Prism) and the Automotive Policy Research Centre (APRC).
The Project will ultimately produce industry validated, regional forecasts of the supply and demand for key industry occupations, it will produce reports on various labour market trends, and it will engage industry and disseminate its findings widely. Significantly, the Project defines the industry broadly to include its extensive and complex supply chain and illustrate the economic importance of the sector by demonstrating how many jobs across this supply chain are dependent on the success of the sector.
This report is based on our review of literature released by governments, think tanks, employers and industry associations that have highlighted projected labour market shortages for certain occupations and attributed them to demographic and labour force-related factors and of various reports examine the future of automotive manufacturing in Canada. This report is also based on preliminary feedback we received during our initial consultations with industry representatives and stakeholders.